I was goaded into creating this thing. People have asked me to publish my writing for years and so I created this site to collect my thoughts. Keep in mind this speaks more to my monumental ability to procrastinate my way out of finishing projects more so than anything else. It's also admittedly a considerably shameless excuse to market and develop my web platform.
Professionally, I am a software engineer specializing in full stack development for mobile applications and web sites. I'll let my resume speak for itself. In my private life I am a hacker first and foremost with interests in artificial intelligence - primarily computational neuroscience and machine vision, industrial automation, high performance computing, network engineering, number theory, and some small spattering of electrical engineering - audio engineering, telecommunications, and electronics, and of course all things infosec. I also play classical piano, which I deeply enjoy. My repertoire is mostly Romantic and consistently neglected, due to my incredible laziness and never fully committing to pieces I begin to learn. I also love to play chess, so if you know me in person, I'm always down for a game or two. Or if all you want to do is drink and party, I do that too, probably in excess.
About this site, and the data I don't collect: the vector art on the homepage was developed using D3 geographic map projection and some arcane trigonometric functions called "sine" and "cosine". Only consider I do not pollute my site with mindless spaghettified JavaScript or cookies to track visitors. On this site, JavaScript is relegated to rendering the D3 graphic. Hashed (obfuscated), GDPR-compliant IP addresses are used for scant analytics, in this case mainly for ~~anticipating the amount of hate mail I will get~~ tailoring content. Finally, I must acknowledge the brilliant mind of lexi hale whose phenomenal website inspired my own.